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Pengeulan Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Pengeulan
Ambitious, Brave and Confident


Our Aims

Provide a rich, stimulating and caring environment in which children feel happy, safe, secure and confident.

Provide high quality teaching and learning experiences to enable all children to achieve to the highest possible standards in all areas of the curriculum.

Develop opportunities for all learners and to celebrate the uniqueness of every child. Foster high self-esteem, help children build positive relationships and to live and work cooperatively with others.

Engage and support parents and families to become partners in their children’s education and the school community

Help children understand their own religion and to demonstrate respect for, and tolerance of, other people’s faith.

Help children develop into digitally competent, positive, global citizens ready to flourish in the 21st century.

Children develop mutual respect for themselves, others, the community, and their environment.

Ensure equal opportunities for all pupils.
