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Pengeulan Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Pengeulan
Ambitious, Brave and Confident

Teaching and Learning in Pengeulan

At Pengeulan Primary School we are  dedicated to ensuring that children receive the very best education whilst placed in our care. Governors and Staff strive passionately to ensure that our school encourages each child to reach their full potential.


On the journey from  Nursery, through to  Year 6, Pengeulan aims to provide pupils with a wide range of interesting and challenging learning experiences to engage learners of all abilities. There is a clear focus on the development of Literacy and Numeracy at Pengeulan Primary School as these are the essential skills needed by all children in their future lives. Our school follows the Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF) closely and all staff aim to develop these skills throughout all aspects of the curriculum.


At Pengeulan Primary School we also understand the importance of developing our pupils as digital citizens; developing competence in using ICT in an ever changing digital world. We have a wide range of resources available for pupils to access in order to develop these vital skills, as well as following the Digital Competence Framework, ensuring that all staff within the school provide pupils with the opportunity to develop their digital abilities.


Alongside Literacy and Numeracy, we believe that it is important to celebrate the Welsh culture, heritage and language as part of  daily activities. The Welsh language is developed positively in all aspects of daily school life. 


Teachers within the school follow and plan activities that embed the Welsh National Curriculum in both Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2, ensuring that children are provided with a broad experience of a range of different subject areas.


 At Pengeulan  Primary we endeavour to promote pupils spiritual, moral and social development, as well as their academic progress. All our pupils have a key part to play in the running of the school and all of our pupils views, opinions and ideas are valued and considered when looking at school development. Further policies regarding teaching and learning  can be found on the Policy page of the website.

