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Pengeulan Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Pengeulan
Ambitious, Brave and Confident

Late/Absence Procedures

Please find below our Parent Friendly Attendance Leaflet

Punctuality and Attendance.




  • Parents should ensure that children arrive on time.
  • Punctuality is important.
  • Please assist your child in developing this good habit and ensure that they are in the school yard by 8.50am.
  • Punctuality and regular attendance at school are vital life skills all children need to develop.
  • Children who arrive after the Register at 9.15am are deemed late, therefore they will be recorded as late on the register.
  • Children who are late must report to Mrs Hughes our school clerk.



  • Please inform the school by telephone on the first day of sickness absence and write a note when your child returns to school after the absence.
  • Absences fall into two categories: An authorised absence is recorded when the school has been informed of the pupil’s absence and has either given prior approval for this absence (e.g. medical appointment) or is satisfied with the reason for absence given by parents (e.g. genuine sickness absence).
  • An unauthorised absence is recorded when the school has not been informed of a pupil’s absence, or when the reason given for absence is not satisfactory (e.g. school has reason to question the explanation given).
  • A fixed penalty notice (FINE) may be issued to a parent of a child who takes the equivalent of five days unauthorised absence from school within a term.
  • A fixed penalty may also be issued to a parent of a child taking a family holiday in term time. Parents need to apply in writing using a 'holiday form.' If the child's attendance is better than 95%, the Governors will not award a FPN (Fine)
  • Where there are frequent unauthorised absences the school will make a referral to the Attendance and Wellbeing Service.

