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Pengeulan Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Pengeulan
Ambitious, Brave and Confident

Pupil Progress

It is essential that all pupils make good progress during their time at Pengeulan. It is also vital that we update parents and carers with pupil progress. This gives an open and honest view on how well pupils are doing as well as providing families with ideas on how to support children at home.


Progress will be shared regularly and in a variety of ways. The School Website, Class Dojo and Twitter are excellent means of communicating wider school activities.

Throughout the year  parents/ carers will be invited into school so that information and progress can be shared.


Pop in and Play/Meet the Teacher

At the start of each year, parents are invited into school to meet their child's class teacher. During this session, your child's class teacher will provide you with the routines for class, skills your child will be learning, and ways in which you can help support your child over the year. You will also be invited to join in with an enriched activity to gain a flavour of the type of learning that happens on a daily basis.


Reading Records

Although not always possible to give in-depth, weekly updates, we do aim to communicate with you to let you know how your child is doing; particularly in regards to their reading. Our pupils have reading record books which are used as a regular communication tool between home and school to inform you of your child's reading progress. Foundation phase pupils have designated reading days which means it is important that books are in school on those days. Reading record books are an excellent tool for communicating between teacher and parent.



Learn with me Sessions

Throughout the year we hold regular Learn with Me sessions for you and your child to work together, so that you have a better idea of strategies you can use at home to support your child's learning. It is also a good opportunity for you to see your child's progress in school, and the sorts of tasks they take part in within the classroom. These will generally be based around literacy and numeracy. One of the sessions will be based around Big Maths. You will be invited to join your children for a Big Maths fun activity.


Parents Evenings

We want to keep you up to date with how your child is doing in school. We hold 2 Parents Meetings each year to update with you your child's progress; one in Autumn Term (October) and one in Spring Term (February). By holding these meetings throughout the year we are able to help you better support your child as they make progress within their school year.


End of Year Reports

At the end of the Summer Term (July) all parents are provided with an end of year report that outlines the progress that their child's progress over the year. This will outline their attitudes to learning and the progress that they have made in a range of subjects, as well as their literacy and numeracy development. Parents are invited to comment on reports and give feedback.


National Test Report (Year 2 - Year 6)

As part of the end of year procedures, your child will receive an analysis of their performance and progress in the National Tests. This report will give you an indication of their performance and progress made.


IEP (where required)

Some of our pupils may require specific support to help them to make progress. Where this is the case a child is provided with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which outlines the steps needed to secure the progress of a child. These are reviewed termly with the class teacher, pupil and parent, so that everyone knows what needs to be done in order to secure progress for every pupil. 


As always, we operate an open door policy, and all parents are welcome to approach the school where concerns arise about their child's progress. You are welcome to contact the school at any point should you want further information about your child's progress at school. 
