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Pengeulan Primary School
Ysgol Gynradd Pengeulan
Ambitious, Brave and Confident

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  • BREAKFAST CLUB - AUTUMN TERM (September 2021 - December 2021)

    Thu 24 Jun 2021 Gail Hughes

    Please see the following information from Catering Services:


    If your child requires a place in the Autumn term breakfast club (2nd Sept – 17th Dec) please complete an application form using the following link  The form will be available for completion from 7am Wednesday 7th July to 5pm Wednesday 14th July. The number of places will be limited to ensure that social distancing and effective hygiene and preventative measures can be maintained. Places will be prioritised based on the time of application and you will be notified by Friday 23rd July if you are successful or unsuccessful.  Unsuccessful applicants will be placed on a reserve list and non-attendance of successful applicants will result in places being reallocated. As places are restricted, please only apply if your child requires access to a free, healthy breakfast before the start of the school day.


    Please note the school does not have any input on the allocation of places and these must be applied for by following the process detailed above.

    Places do fill up very quickly so please make a note of the date and time applications are available.

    Many thanks.
